12 Days Of Christmas - Day 1! - DLSB

12 Days Of Christmas - Day 1!

Day 1 – Why Wait For Boxing Day?! The Sale Is ON!

Christmas is here girls (well, nearly) and that means it’s ok to dress in sequins 24/7 and drink an entire bottle of Baileys nightly. Here at DLSB HQ we lurrrrrrve Christmas, because it’s the one time of year it’s totally ok to get glammed up just to sit in your living room all day - what’s not to love, right?!

As per tradition this year is no exception to our famous 12 days of Christmas promos, and OMG we’ve got some killer treats for you this year. Obviously we can’t reveal all just yet, but let’s just say it’ll beat anything your nan gets you. Today, we’re starting out big with the launch of our revamped sale category!

Here you’ll find that bargain party dress or ultimate style steal your wardrobe has been pining after. We’ve got everything you need to make sure you treat yourself this Christmas without breaking the bank – after all, Christmas is the time to give back right, and no one deserves a treat more than you!

Make sure you’re checking back on the daily for our latest Christmas treat, and check out our Facebook and Insta for our 12 Days of Christmas competitions too (we have some fab prizes coming up!)

Love always and have fun shopping dolls!


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